Hair Pressure

I’m back.  Just a warning…this post is not for children or men.

Hair pressure is just getting worse from day to day!  I should start from head to toe but I’m starting at my toes.  I have hair on my toes.  I know that while it is faint it’s there on each one of them.  This is the only hair at my age that I have never felt pressed to control.  Yes it’s on my hands too but I’m starting at the toes.  Moving on…

The hair on my legs is of course shaved.    Some chose other methods.  Stinky creams are not the worst yes ladies I am referring to the worst, the epilady!  Let’s pull those hairs out one by one so marvelously we don’t have to shave for a week, what a crock!  But that’s what we do in America, moving upwards, nah we will save that for last, he he.

So let’s start again at the head.  Yes we must have all kinds of luxurious shiny long hair on our heads.  What does that mean to us women?  First off no gray!  Not even just any gray but perfectly streaked to the popular trend.  Why is the one place that we really want to have thick hair is the first place it gets thin?  Who makes these decisions anyway?  As a naturally curly head girl I specifically remember when curly hair went out of style.  Hello, my hair comes that way…ugh.  Did I mention that blonde hair is the most attractive?  Most people born with blonde hair turn darker as the days go on but blondes have more fun right?  Frizz, no way no how.  So here is my head of hair.  Colored, ratted, long, blow-dried, flat ironed, hair sprayed, defrizzed and oh my it’s raining outside!  Forget all that progress, lol.  And what does my fabulous fuzzband (future husband with very little hair worry) say?  I like it better curly!  And why are you spending so much money?  Who am I trying to please?  Shall I say it?  Other woman!

Eyebrows, waxed, plucked, electrolosized!  Why because the hair at the brow tends to be too much.  So of course we want less.  Eyelash extensions, why?  because there is not enough there.  Are you catching a pattern here?

So far I have been lucky about other facial hair.  But heaven forbid if you have it, it has been bleached, waxed or lasered.  Why?  Because we grow it there.  Who is making these rules?

Underarms lasered or shaved… and now to the tender area of the bikini line.  In my thirties I did the laser bikini treatment.  Now that’s fun.  Ready set burn!  But wait let me use ice to numb the area first.  Let’s just say that the more sensitive areas, closer to well you know, would rather be burned than iced.  So 6 months after I was happily done with laser, to my horror, I was informed that all single American women are now Brazilian!  Shall I do more laser, icing, burning…no thanks.  Back to the razor!

So what’s the solution?  Again there is no solution but here are my thoughts…

  1.  Be yourself!  If you want to pluck, bleach or wax…do it!  If you feel pretty with long or short, curly or straight, do it.  You are the one looking in the mirror each day.  Hopefully your mirror has a list of all the great things about you posted in the corner.
  2. Be logical!  We are all different.  I love Kim Kardashian’s luxurious thick shiny hair but you know as well as I do the thicker the hair on the scalp the more she has to deal with it everywhere else.
  3. Find other real women who are dealing with the same issues.  It’s time to bond!
  4. When your honey complains about shaving his face, smile and nod, and know he will never understand the obscene hair pressure we deal with.


So now as I know I need to cover those grays, pluck my eyebrows, shave almost everywhere and get a lash fill I’m signing off.    Here’s to bonding with our fellow women and fighting the HAIR PRESSURE!



Kelly Merriman, Your Fitness Friend, and one very REAL woman

Fight the crazy brain

December 31st, 2011 I once again stood on the scale.  To my excitement it was down three pounds.  Now those of you who know me as a trainer and fitness instructor know I refer to myself as a “glass half full kind of girl” This isn’t always true.  Yes my friends I too am a slave to the scale and ugly negative self-talk!  So as I stand on the scale I think well I lost three pounds but I bet its muscle or water weight.  This is when I decided to share my thoughts on how to deal with the “crazy making mind” that many of us American women suffer from.

The only way to fight this craziness is simply by focusing on the truth!  I have gained and lost these 3 lbs. every month for the past 6 months.  Each time I gain it I’m sure its body fat, but when I lose it I think muscle.  Here is where the truth comes in.  If this were true that means in the last 6 months I have gained 18 lbs. of fat and lost 18 lbs. of muscle.  That is a heap of crap if you know what I mean.  If this were true I would naturally float at the top of my bathtub.  I probably couldn’t hold my arms up to drive let alone do body pump!  I am not looking for sympathy here.  Please don’t respond with your opinion on how my body looks.  I have muscles and I work hard to get them.  This cyclical negative talk has as much to do with my actual body as it has to do with whether or not the bright orb in the sky is shining!

So what is the solution you ask?  Well there is no “solution” but I have some small ideas to set you on a path to a better thought process.  Here are my suggestions

  1. Throw away the scale!  Maybe next year right, lol.
  2. Focus on truth.  For those of us who are logical thinkers just really calculate “is this possible?”
  3. Focus on positive.  It is hard for us to find positive things to say about ourselves so when you are feeling good make a list, hang it on the mirror as close to the scale as possible.
  4. Stop comparing yourself to other women.  The hot girls with perfect bodies at the gym, in the magazines or in your crazy mind.  They most likely don’t feel perfect either.  And if they do wish them a happy life and move on with your “real” one.
  5. Find someone who understands and talk about it!  If you find your friend commenting on how perfect you are and how not perfect they are than this is not the right person.  Find someone who looks opposite of you but really understands the heart of the matter!

This is just a first entry of honest talk and thinking I will be posting this year.  If it helps one woman than it is worth it to me!

Here is to a Happy New Year.  A new year for reaching out to other real women around you and fighting the crazy brain!


Kelly Merriman, Your Fitness Friend, and one very REAL woman

Will come back for an intro on a later date